In this article we will discuss how to submit a review for products and sellers on Branabee.
To submit a review, you must first log in.
Let’s start on the homepage. We need to locate a product for sale. For this example, we’ll search for a product. Type in a search term like “fitting” and click a product. You’ll be redirected to the product page that contain the term you searched.
You’ll notice more product information on this page, and down below the product photo there is a section of tabs. Click on ‘Reviews‘.
A section appears revealing the reviews for the product. Click ‘Write a Review.’ There’s sections for pros and cons. Enter those in and submit. That’s it!
A disclaimer: You cannot review products that you are selling on Branabee. You may be required to have purchased the items before we allow you to review them. We only remove spam reviews when users flag them for us. Customers take their time to review products on our marketplace and can be sure that their review will be shown publicly, as long as the review does not violate our terms of service.
We encourage customers to review our sellers on Branabee in order to establish trust in the community. To review a seller on Branabee you need to locate the seller’s profile page. Let’s begin.
Start on the homepage. There are a few ways to get to a seller’s profile page, which is exactly what we need to do. Locate the product you purchased, where you can find the seller’s Name. click on that name to be taken to their profile page (You can also use a link from an email Branabee has sent you after purchasing a product).
Once on the seller’s profile click ‘Reviews.‘ then click ‘Write a Review.’ Then submit the review. That’s all!
We hope this article helped you discover how to submit a review on Branabee.
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